The boat is clean and sound, no leaks, The trailer rims, leafs and axle has surface rust since the previous owner used it in salt water and didn't wash it down, luckily the frame itself is untouched and looks good. I am slowly getting the items needed to get it ready for the water. I picked up a clean well running 36lb thrust Minn Kota transom mount for $28. I did get a 10 year old boat battery that I have been trying to condition to see if it holds a charge, hopefully going to have it checked in the next few days by a pro to see if it is worth holding onto or using. If not I can get $12 core charge discount on a battery from a few local places.
Right now I am cleaning up and painting over aftermarket bolts on the boat that are starting to rust with a wire brush on my drill and using some rustoleum paint (unfortunately only had dark green on hand). Eventually going to wash the sand off the rest and make a redneck/bubba green and brown cammo type look to it. Its ugly as is so may as well keep the theme. I am also in the process of getting some inside areas sanded and painted white because that dark brown in the hot sun will turn into a skillet. I don't feel like burning myself or my oldest daughter (8) when trying to fish.
Also got plans possibly later this summer to get some 5/8" treated plywood and build a front deck from the front bench forward (in the area where the current removable grey bench boards are in the below pics), with a trap door to get to storage underneath, and then kind of the same thing on the rear, just to cover it up behind the rear bench. I am still trying to decide if I want to go with a grip type rubberized coating or carpet on the front, but definitely going with pad and carpet on the rear.
The center has a livewell so not much planned for that right now, just trying to figure out an aerator to keep the baitfish alive (not much planned mostly due to money).
Anyways, off to the pics:
Overall boat as I got it:
Rear storage:
Bow seat:
Overall inside as is now: